Keywords: Zeus Altemps Inv8635.jpg Relief of Zeus Marble with red base originally covered with gold leaf Roman copy from the 2nd century CE after a Greek original from the 5th century BCE; several restorations nose lips neck and part of the bust Relief de Zeus Marbre et base rouge support de feuilles d'or aujourd'hui disparues copie romaine du IIe siècle ap J -C d'après un original grec du Ve siècle av J -C ; restaurations multiples nez lèvres cou et partie du buste Relievo di Zeus Marmo già ricoperto da foglie auree copia romana del II sec d C da un originale greco del V sec a C ; molto restaurato naso labbre collo e una parte del busto Museum Palazzo Altemps Ground floor object history credit line Ludovisi Collection accession number Inv 8635 Jastrow 2006 other versions Reliefs of Zeus Ludovisi Collection Polychromy in antique art Roman copies after Greek originals in the Palazzo Altemps Rome Ancient Roman reliefs in the Palazzo Altemps Rome |