Keywords: Yoshio Shimizu, Night Battle off Lunga.jpg Yoshio Shimizu 1891-1954 清水良雄 八 ~ 五四 en Night Battle off Lunga ja ルンガ沖 戦 1943 昭和 八年 oil on canvas 油彩・キャンバス cm 193 5 259 0 National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo 京国立近代美術館 War Record Paintings 戦争記録画 On indefinite loan from the United State of America 米利加合衆国より無 限貸与 http //search artmuseums go jp/jpeg/momat/S0179019 jpg in http //search artmuseums go jp/records php sakuhin 11391 Independent Administrative Institution National Museum of Art X00074 PD-Japan Not-PD-US-URAA Uploaded with UploadWizard Yoshio Shimizu War Record Paintings from Japan Battle of Tassafaronga Takanami ship 1942 Paintings of Japanese naval battles Ships at night |