Keywords: Winged altarpiece.jpg Flügelretabel Darstellungen aus dem Leben Marias und der Kindheit Jesu Brüssel ; erworben 1918; Geschenk James Simon; inv 8077; Eichenholz ursprüngliche Fassung Szárnyasoltár Jelenetek Mária és a gyermek Jézus életéből Brüsszelből ; tölgyfa eredeti keret own own photograph circa 1480 ; 2010-04-01 anonymous ; Photo Szilas Gothic sculpture in the Bode-Museum Altars in Berlin Triptychs in Germany Reliefs of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Reliefs of Jesus in Germany Paintings of the life of the Virgin Mary in Germany 15th-century paintings of Virgin Mary 15th-century reliefs Sculptures of Holy Family in Germany |