Keywords: Vojvodina 1922 1929-sr.png en Oblasts in the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes in Vojvodina region 1922-1929 sr Области у К аљевини С ба Х вата и Словенаца на под учју Војводине 1922-1929 године own PANONIAN 2013 Cc-zero References Istorijski atlas Geokarta Beograd 1999 Istorijski atlas Intersistem kartografija Beograd 2010 http //papata1962 blog bg/photos/55898/original/KraljevinaSHS1922 jpg http //www arhivyu gov rs/Data/Images/02_karta_b jpg http //cro-eu com/galerija-fotografija/albums/userpics/10001/7-Kraljevina_Srba _Hrvata_i_Slovenaca_-_podjela_na_oblasti_1922 jpg Maps of the history of Vojvodina Maps of the history of Bačka Maps of the history of Syrmia Maps of the history of Banat Maps of the history of Serbia in modern times Maps of administrative units of Yugoslavia Maps in Serbian |