Keywords: Vincent van Gogh - Morning, going out to Work.jpg Artwork Creator Vincent van Gogh langSwitch after Millet nach Millet под� ажание � илл Saint-Rémy 1890 01 oil canvas cm 73 92 institution Hermitage accession number http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang English indexClass PICTURE_EN PID ZKR-532 numView 1 ID_NUM 7 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FFHEXIQ61CQXB88_4066 jpg embViewVer noEmb comeFrom quick sorting no thumbId 6 numResults 9 tmCond van+Gogh searchIndex TAGFILEN author Van 26 2332 3BGogh 2C 26 2332 3BVincent Hermitage Museum Sankt Petersburg<br/>http //www vangoghgallery com/catalog/Painting/324/Morning 20Peasant 20Couple 20Going 20to 20Work 20 28after 20Millet 29 html vangoghgallery com object history formerly in the collection of Otto Krebs Holzdorf Transferred from Germany after World War II credit line exhibition history Van Gogh catalogues 684 1880 http //www arthermitage org/Vincent-van-Gogh/Morning-Going-out-to-Work html Arthermitage PD-old-auto-1923 1890 DEFAULTSORT Van Gogh 1890-01 Going out to Work Peasant Couple Going to Work |