Keywords: VerdiLakeNV.jpg Verdi Lake in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada looking south from the Ruby Crest Above the lake are two of the three Verdi Peaks en wikipedia 2006-04-20 G Thomas wikipedia en G Thomas Original upload log en wikipedia VerdiLakeNV jpg 2008-07-12 21 40 G Thomas 900×600× 170597 bytes <nowiki> Verdi Lake in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada looking south from the Ruby Crest Above the lake are two of the three Verdi Peaks </nowiki> 2006-07-22 17 55 G Thomas 1027×600× 138554 bytes <nowiki>Verdi Lake in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada looking south from the Ruby Crest Above the lake are two of the Verdi Peaks </nowiki> 2006-04-20 20 19 G Thomas 1027×600× 183628 bytes <nowiki>Verdi Lake Nevada</nowiki> Lakes of Nevada |