Keywords: Vandal-light.svg From http //openclipart org/media/files/Selanit/3305 which is released into the PD Transfered from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Transfer was stated to be made by User blake01 2007-12-08 Original uploader was Blake01 at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Blake01 original upload log page en wikipedia Vandal-light svg 2007-12-08 12 36 Blake01 162×263×0 23050 bytes <nowiki>From http //openclipart org/media/files/Selanit/3305 which is released into the PD </nowiki> 2007-12-08 12 30 Blake01 162×263×0 22338 bytes <nowiki>From http //openclipart org/media/files/Selanit/3305 which is released into the PD </nowiki> SVG clip art Light bulb icons Images from openclipart org |