Keywords: Van Gent and Van Gent X craters AS16-118-18935.jpg Oblique view of Van Gent X crater center and Van Gent lower left facing northeast Apollo 16 Hasselblad camera image cropped in GIMP <br>The original image is in the public domain because it is a work of the U S Government NASA <br/> Immediate source Flickr Project Apollo Archive Apollo 16 Magazine 118/NN https //www flickr com/photos/projectapolloarchive/21512685848/in/album-72157656739898544/ AS16-118-18935 original 1972 NASA<br/> Jstuby wikipedia en Cc-zero Original upload log en wikipedia Van+Gent+and+Van+Gent+X+craters+AS16-118-18935 jpg wikitable - 2016-02-02 14 01 800×550× 175196 bytes Jstuby Oblique view of Van Gent X crater center and Van Gent crater lower left facing northeast Apollo 16 Hasselblad camera image cropped in GIMP <br>The original image is in the public domain because i Apollo 16 moon photography |