Keywords: Ursuline Row New Orleans from Back 1936.jpg New Orleans Decatur Street French Quarter June 1936 BUILDINGS ON DECATUR STREET BETWEEN URSULINE GOVENOR NICHOLS NORTHWEST ELEVATION REAR VIEW 2 Marked 'E' on Plot Plan - Ursuline's Row Houses 1107-1133 Decatur Street Commercial Buildings New Orleans Orleans Parish LA Note Row of commercial / residential buildings constructed on land on what had been the Decatur Street side of the Ursuline Convent grounds Historic American Buildings Survey photo by Richard Koch via http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/hhh la0054/photos 072837p ; TIF cropped contrast slightly adjusted and image converted to jpg before uploading to Wikimedia Commons 1936-06 Richard Koch PD-USGov Unmodified TIF File Decatur Street French Quarter 1936 Ursulines Row Houses Street Scene tif 1936 in New Orleans Built in New Orleans in 1830 Decatur Street French Quarter Black and white photographs of the French Quarter Row houses in New Orleans Black and white photographs of buildings |