Keywords: Uranian rings scheme fa.svg This is a scheme of the rings and close moons of Uranus Rings are full lines to scale if possible Orbits of moons are dashed No claim at accuracy excentricity or size of moons Schéma des anneaux et lunes les plus proches d'Uranus Les anneaux sont en traits pleins à l'échelle quand c'est possible les orbites des lunes en tiretés Pas d'exactitude pas d'excentricité lunes agrandies Uranian_rings_scheme svg 2010-08-12 07 56 UTC Uranian_rings_scheme svg Trassiorf derivative work Amir <span class signature-talk >talk</span> Persian Ladsgroup Uranian_rings_scheme svg </nowiki> 2010-06-11T20 31 14Z Trassiorf 1108x976 50600 Bytes <nowiki>Changed to better bigger lettering</nowiki> 2010-06-11T17 22 08Z Trassiorf 1108x976 50334 Bytes <nowiki> This is a scheme of the rings and close moons of Uranus Rings are full lines to scale if possible Orbits of moons are dashed No claim at accuracy excentricity or size of moons Sch</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Moons of Uranus Uranus rings |