Keywords: United States Income Distribution 1947-2007.svg en Graph of United States income distribution from 1947 through 2007 inclusive normalized to 2007 dollars The data source is Table F-1 Income Limits for Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Families All Races 1947 to 2007 U S Census Bureau Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements as found at http //www census gov/hhes/www/income/histinc/f01AR html http //www webcitation org/query url http 3A 2F 2Fwww census gov 2Fhhes 2Fwww 2Fincome 2Fhistinc 2Ff01AR html date 2009-04-12 backup This work is entirely my own built using gnuplot 4 2 I relinquish any and all copyright claims I might have releasing the work into the public domain Own Alan De Smet 2009-04-12 Recreating and raw data The following should allow others to recreate the graph using gnuplot 4 2 or later The data file entitled income-distribution-data is as follows Data http //www census gov/hhes/www/income/histinc/f01AR html http //www webcitation org/query url http 3A 2F 2Fwww census gov 2Fhhes 2Fwww 2Fincome 2Fhistinc 2Ff01AR html date 2009-04-12 Footnotes http //www census gov/hhes/www/income/histinc/ftnotes html http //www webcitation org/query url http 3A 2F 2Fwww census gov 2Fhhes 2Fwww 2Fincome 2Fhistinc 2Fftnotes html date 2009-04-12 Historical Income Tables - Families Table F-1 Income Limits for Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Families All Races 1947 to 2007 Families as of March of the following year Income in current and 2007 CPI-U-RS adjusted dollars 28/ Source U S Census Bureau Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements The following data is always the 2007 CPI-U-RS adjusted dollars Year Number 20 40 60 80 95 2007 77908 27864 49510 75000 112638 197216 2006 78454 27766 48333 73220 112246 196480 2005 77418 27206 47816 72545 109501 195955 2004 76866 27192 47640 72248 109769 190603 2003 76232 27189 47413 73278 110707 191744 2002 75616 27661 47761 72610 108879 189388 2001 74340 28108 48166 73197 110264 192191 2000 73778 28897 49173 73837 110017 192790 1999 73206 28367 49143 73754 109547 192904 1998 71551 27439 47882 71164 106318 184452 1997 70884 26516 46371 69061 103046 176569 1996 70241 25897 45155 67224 99109 168436 1995 69597 25762 44560 66175 97618 167051 1994 69313 24819 43302 65023 96840 166075 1993 68506 23978 42390 63627 94379 159925 1992 68216 24199 42966 63709 92740 153498 1991 67173 25239 43219 63840 93519 152657 1990 66322 25907 44666 64652 94564 157414 1989 66090 25837 45207 65873 96145 159779 1988 65837 25435 44095 64841 94156 154946 1987 65204 25488 43967 64254 93113 151812 1986 64491 25270 43500 63391 91278 150535 1985 63558 24413 42057 60922 88628 145111 1984 62706 23902 41577 60223 86604 141796 1983 62015 23416 40107 58318 83390 137239 1982 61393 23516 40274 57661 82731 134741 1981 61019 24095 41016 58533 82688 131233 1980 60309 24916 41950 59415 83372 131766 1979 59550 26247 43160 61145 84195 135071 1978 57804 25690 43167 60433 84000 133175 1977 57215 24933 41754 59030 81333 128875 1976 56710 24867 41414 57606 79561 125047 1975 56245 24483 40314 56064 77625 121590 1974 55698 25433 41553 57176 78980 124052 1973 55053 25365 41854 58397 80309 125200 1972 54373 24874 41221 56977 78718 123378 1971 53296 23789 39389 53988 74039 115614 1970 52227 24303 39647 53843 74009 115558 1969 51586 25000 40000 54000 73755 113515 1968 50823 23733 38128 52021 69988 107541 1967 50111 22303 36611 49095 67305 108144 1966 49214 22026 35812 47931 65154 100754 1965 48509 20147 33748 45531 62166 96099 1964 47956 18995 32145 43834 59620 92273 1963 47540 18341 30805 42263 59058 89715 1962 47059 18018 30030 40840 57056 89488 1961 46418 16984 29237 39791 54804 88560 1960 45539 17057 29408 38991 53915 82932 1959 45111 16670 28426 37866 52182 79706 1958 44232 15884 26940 35912 48971 75340 1957 43696 16051 27315 36088 48417 74151 1956 43497 16244 27338 36267 49173 76212 1955 42889 15029 25578 34388 46575 71761 1954 41951 13554 23841 32276 44220 70075 1953 41202 14539 24673 33108 44588 69342 1952 40832 14048 22725 30744 41583 64698 1951 40578 13608 22186 29349 40073 62802 1950 39929 12488 21473 28578 39720 64772 1949 39303 11746 20067 27070 38253 61402 1948 38624 12443 20458 27315 38104 62050 1947 37237 12862 20755 28144 39934 65545 The files commands is as follows set terminal svg size 1000 400 enhanced fname Arial fsize 18 set grid back lw 1 set border 3 set logscale y set format y 6 0f set yrange 10000 500000 set ytics nomirror 10000 2 500000 set xtics nomirror set key top left Left reverse width -8 spacing 0 8 samplen 1 set ylabel Income in 2007 US font Arial 24 set size ratio 0 4 Skipping linetype lt 4; it's cyan and not very dark against white backgrounds plot \ income-distribution-data using 1 7 with lines lw 2 lt 6 title /Arial 15 95th percentile \ income-distribution-data using 1 6 with lines lw 2 lt 5 title /Arial 15 80th percentile \ income-distribution-data using 1 5 with lines lw 2 lt 3 title /Arial 15 60th percentile \ income-distribution-data using 1 4 with lines lw 2 lt 2 title /Arial 15 40th percentile \ income-distribution-data using 1 3 with lines lw 2 lt 1 title /Arial 15 20th percentile To create the graph the follow command was used gnuplot < commands > out svg Income distribution in the United States |