Keywords: france peace u.s. commission to negotiate peace uscommissiontonegotiatepeace monochrome Local Accession Number: 259 Description: The full personnel of the American Commission taken at their headquarters, Hotel Crillon, Paris, just before the signing of peace. In the front row, from left to right, are: Col. E. M. House, Robert Lansing, President Wilson, Henry White, General Tasker H. Bliss. Photographer: Underwood and Underwood Source: Research Library, 20th Century Fox Size: 8x10,8.5x6.5 Medium: Print, Black and White Date:1919 Local Accession Number: 259 Description: The full personnel of the American Commission taken at their headquarters, Hotel Crillon, Paris, just before the signing of peace. In the front row, from left to right, are: Col. E. M. House, Robert Lansing, President Wilson, Henry White, General Tasker H. Bliss. Photographer: Underwood and Underwood Source: Research Library, 20th Century Fox Size: 8x10,8.5x6.5 Medium: Print, Black and White Date:1919 |