Keywords: TristanChord.svg Tristan chord in the beginning of Wagner's opera File generated from the SVG output of Lilypond using the following file updated from User Antur's Lilypond file using convert-ly <pre> \version 2 10 10 staffPiano \new PianoStaff \time 6/8 << \context Staff up \clef treble \set Staff midiInstrument acoustic grand set-accidental-style 'modern \partial 8 \relative c << s8 s2 gis4 ~ gis4 a8 ais b4~ b8 \\ a 8 f'4 ~ f4 e8 dis2 d4 ~ d8 >> r8 r \context Staff down \clef bass \set Staff midiInstrument acoustic grand \partial 8 \relative c r8 R2 <f b>2 <e gis>4 ~ <e gis>8 r r >> \score \staffPiano \layout indent 0 0\mm ragged-right t \midi \context \Score tempoWholesPerMinute ly make-moment 105 8 </pre> Rework with Inkscape removed text and converted all objects to paths updated some items then saved as simple SVG en Tristan chord in Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde beginning piano reduction fr Accord de Tristan dans le début du Tristan et Isolde de Richard Wagner réduction pour piano Own Romainbehar 2008-10-13 Antur Image Wagner Tristan opening png File Tristan chord png Sheet music of Richard Wagner Tristan chords Tristan und Isolde Wagner |