MAKE A MEME View Large Image Triple-Spiral-labyrinth-variant.png Triple-Spiral-labyrinth-variant svg frame traversal animation A triple-spiral labyrinth variant form without any wide wall area near the center For another version of this see Image Triple-Spiral-labyrint...
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Keywords: Triple-Spiral-labyrinth-variant.png Triple-Spiral-labyrinth-variant svg frame traversal animation A triple-spiral labyrinth variant form without any wide wall area near the center For another version of this see Image Triple-Spiral-labyrinth png Note that the short path inwards does not lead to the true goal in the center For a basic triple-spiral symbol and cross-references to further variants see Image Triple-Spiral-Symbol png Generated by means of the following PostScript code <br clear all> <pre> /archimdouble PostScript program to display an Archimedean spiral by approximating it with Bezier curves Can display a double spiral two spirals rotated by 180 degrees with respect to each other Parameters centerx horizontal coordinate of center of spiral centery vertical coordinate of center of spiral rotf degrees to rotate /sepwid 110 def width separating successive turnings of spiral half this if double spiral is selected incrm insert a curve point every these degrees /sweeps swp2 def number of 360 degree turnings to show double - 0 to display single spiral else double Procedures /pi 3 1415926535898 def/radians 57 295779513082 def /sepwid sepwid pi div 2 div def gsave centerx centery translate rotf rotate colx setgray /aspiral /prevbezy 0 def/first 1 def lower incrm sweeps 360 mul 7 dup repeat phase add cos/costh exch def phase add sin/sinth exch def costh mul radians div/thcosth exch def sinth mul radians div/thsinth exch def thcosth sepwid mul/x exch def thsinth sepwid mul/y exch def /slope sinth thcosth add costh thsinth sub div def sinth 0 gt sinth 0 eq costh -1 eq and or /flag -1 def /flag 1 def ifelse /A exch def A 49 29348 lt A 180 gt A 196 273450852 lt and A 360 gt A 368 8301 lt and A 540 gt A 545 9907 lt and A 720 gt A 724 5217 lt and A 900 gt A 903 6281968 lt and or or or or or /flag flag neg def if incrm sub 3 dup repeat phase add cos sepwid mul mul radians div /prevx exch def phase add sin sepwid mul mul radians div /prevy exch def incrm add 3 dup repeat phase add cos sepwid mul mul radians div /nextx exch def phase add sin sepwid mul mul radians div /nexty exch def /prevdist x prevx sub dup mul y prevy sub dup mul add sqrt pi div def /nextdist x nextx sub dup mul y nexty sub dup mul add sqrt pi div def /normaliz slope slope mul 1 add sqrt def 0 eq 0 0 moveto/prevbezx phase cos nextdist mul def/first 0 def first 1 eq x y moveto/first 0 def prevbezx prevbezy x 1 flag mul normaliz div prevdist mul sub y slope flag mul normaliz div prevdist mul sub x y curveto ifelse /prevbezx x 1 flag mul normaliz div nextdist mul add def /prevbezy y slope flag mul normaliz div nextdist mul add def ifelse for stroke def /phase bascphase def single 0 ne aspiral if double 0 ne /sweeps swp1 def/phase 180 def aspiral if grestore def gsave 18 0 translate 45 dup scale 110 3 div setlinewidth -2 rotate 304 550 280 0 360 arc fill 927 334 550 280 0 360 arc fill 615 667 1089 823 280 0 360 arc fill 304 550 330 240 60 arc fill 927 334 550 330 0 180 arc fill 615 667 1089 823 330 120 300 arc fill 1 setlinecap/colx 0 def/bascphase -60 def/single 1 def /incrm 15 def/lower 840 def/double 0 def/swp2 1126 360 div def /centerx 304 def/centery 550 def/rotf 0 def archimdouble /swp2 1141 360 div def /centerx 927 334 def/centery 550 def/rotf 120 def archimdouble /centerx 615 667 def/centery 1089 823 def/rotf 240 def archimdouble /colx 1 def/bascphase 0 def/double 1 def/lower 0 def /swp1 2 67 def/swp2 3 def /centerx 304 def/centery 550 def/rotf 0 def archimdouble /lower 900 def/swp1 990 360 div def/single 0 def /centerx 927 334 def/centery 550 def/rotf 120 def archimdouble /colx 0 def/single 1 def/double 0 def/bascphase -60 def /lower 1170 def/swp2 1200 360 div def /centerx 615 667 def/centery 1089 823 def/rotf 240 def archimdouble /colx 1 def/double 1 def/bascphase 0 def /lower 0 def/swp1 2 51 def/swp2 3 def /centerx 927 334 def/centery 550 def/rotf 120 def archimdouble /single 1 def/swp1 2 67 def /centerx 615 667 def/centery 1089 823 def/rotf 240 def archimdouble /lower 1110 def/swp2 3 18 def/double 0 def archimdouble /lower 1034 015 def/bascphase 60 def/swp2 1068 360 div def /incrm 16 202 def /centerx 304 def/centery 550 def/rotf 0 def archimdouble /centerx 927 334 def/centery 550 def/rotf 120 def archimdouble /centerx 615 667 def/centery 1089 823 def/rotf 240 def archimdouble grestore 1 dup scale 1 setgray 3024 28 2721 715 moveto 3004 37 2848 93 2960 58 2991 93 2905 98 3108 51 curveto 2850 54 3226 91 2767 21 3353 88 2680 91 3452 13 curveto 2801 03 3405 76 2946 77 3372 19 3075 04 3361 18 curveto 3205 3 3350 3356 92 3358 67 3485 155 3384 29 curveto 3384 94 3303 44 3282 99 3194 02 3209 32 3088 44 curveto 3134 51 2981 23 3066 22 2845 58 3024 28 2721 715 curveto closepath fill showpage EOF</pre> Triple spiral Graphic labyrinths Goddess movement - Thealogy symbols Celtic Neopaganism Archimedean spirals Images with PostScript source code
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