Keywords: Triangle-thales-circle.svg ValidSVG Half-circle with triangles and right angles to visualize the property of a thales triangle Halbkreis mit Dreiecken und rechten Winkeln zur Visualisierung der Eigenschaft eines Thaleskreises own MartinThoma 2014-10-20 This file was created with LaTeX TikZ starting with http //martin-thoma com/my-latex-tikz-template/ my TikZ template <source lang latex >\documentclassvarwidth true border 2pt standalone \usepackage amsmath scalerel \DeclareMathOperator \Bigcdot \scalerel \cdot \bigodot \usepackage tkz-euclide \usetikzlibrary angles quotes \begin document \usetkzobj all \begin tikzpicture \tkzSetUpPointshape circle size 10 color black fill black \tkzSetUpLineline width 1 \tkzDefPoints 0/0/O -5/0/A 5/0/B 5/5/M -5/5/N \tkzDefPoint 60 5 X \tkzDefPoint 150 5 Y \tkzDrawArccolor black thick fill gray 10 O B A Avoid too long edges of polygon \tkzClipPolygon A B M N \tkzClipCircle O B Draw polygons and mark right angle \tkzDrawPolygonfill red fill opacity 0 3 A B X \draw picvery thick draw angle radius 3mm \Bigcdot angle eccentricity 6 angle A--X--B ; \tkzDrawPolygonfill green fill opacity 0 3 A B Y \draw picvery thick draw angle radius 3mm \Bigcdot angle eccentricity 6 angle A--Y--B ; lines should not colored \tkzDrawPolygon A B X \tkzDrawPolygon A B Y \tkzDrawArccolor black thick O B A \end tikzpicture \end document </source> TikZ diagrams Images by Martin Thoma/Mathematics/Triangles Thales' theorem Cc-zero |