Keywords: Tintoretto - Penitent Magdalene - Google Art Project.jpg between 1598 1602 oil on canvas Venice 1560 Venice 1635 Male 425053 Tintoretto Italian 1560 - 1635 /collection/musei-capitolini/artwork/penitent-magdalene-tintoretto/431845/ 4539 Domenico Tintoretto Painter /artist/domenico-tintoretto/4130149/ 4130149 /collection/musei-capitolini/ Musei Capitolini 390002 http //www museicapitolini org/ 12/1/2011 9 01 09 AM /collection/musei-capitolini/artwork/penitent-magdalene-tintoretto/431845/ 1598 Canvas True 431845 True 1602 5/18/2012 1 27 33 PM PC 32 painting 1590 1610 1598 - 1602 False 0 810546875 Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali di Roma Capitale Object penitent-magdalene-tintoretto Penitent Magdalene p Canvas special url_id 0AHbPoDZ5B-25w PD-old-100-1923 1694 Paintings by Domenico Tintoretto Google Art Project works by Domenico Tintoretto Paintings of penitent Magdalene Women with books in art Paintings of females with skulls Three-quarter views of females Women hands 16th-century oil on canvas paintings in Italy 16th-century paintings of Mary Magdalene 16th-century religious paintings in Italy Paintings of praying women |