Keywords: TheSail@MarinaBay-Singapore-20071128-02.jpg w The Sail Marina Bay in Marina Bay Singapore photographed from the future Downtown MRT Station Own ; transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper 2008 03 23 although metadata states 2007 11 28 14 12 ; originally uploaded to en wikipedia on 2008 03 24 User DaronDierkes DaronDierkes Released into the public domain by the author 100x100px TheSail MarinaBay-Singapore-20071128 jpg en wikipedia DaronDierkes original upload log page en wikipedia The_Sail_ 40_Marina_Bay_Shot_2 JPG 2008-03-24 04 26 DaronDierkes 1704×2272× 932026 bytes <nowiki>This was taken from the future Landmark MRT Station</nowiki> The Sail Marina Bay |