Keywords: Theoi Cdm Paris 229.jpg Three-Line Group Hermes Athena Zeus seated Hera et Ares all named Side A of an Attic black-figure neck-amphora end of 6th century BC Hermès Athéna Zeus assis Héra et Arès tous nommés Face A d'une amphore à col attique à figures noires fin du VIe siècle av J -C Museum Cabinet des Médailles Beazley ABV 320 1 object history credit line accession number Inv 229 User Bibi Saint-Pol own work 2007-10-27 other versions Ares in ancient Greek pottery Athena in ancient Greek pottery Hera in ancient Greek pottery Hermes in ancient Greek pottery Zeus in ancient Greek pottery Talaria Ancient Greek Neck amphoras Three-Line Group Ancient Greek pottery in the Cabinet des médailles Paris 6th-century BC pottery |