MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Tribute Money (Jacob Adriaensz. Backer) - Nationalmuseum - 17634.tif Artwork Creator Jacob Adriaensz Backer The Tribute Money The Gospel of Matthew recounts how the Pharisees ask Jesus whether to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor They try ...
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Keywords: The Tribute Money (Jacob Adriaensz. Backer) - Nationalmuseum - 17634.tif Artwork Creator Jacob Adriaensz Backer The Tribute Money The Gospel of Matthew recounts how the Pharisees ask Jesus whether to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor They try to trick Jesus into giving an answer that would lead to accusations by both the Roman authorities and the Jews who resented the tax Jesus points serenely to the emperor ™s effigy on a coin and towards Heaven saying that they must distinguish between material and spiritual matters Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar ™s and to God the things that are God ™s I Matteusevangeliet berĂ€ttas hur farisĂ©erna frĂ„gade Jesus om de borde betala den skatt som utkrĂ€vdes av den romerske kejsaren De försökte lura Jesus att svara pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som skulle ge sĂ„vĂ€l kejsaren som judarna som ogillade skatten anledning att kritisera honom Med stadig blick visar Jesus pĂ„ myntet med kejsarens portrĂ€tt samtidigt som han pekar mot himlen Han svarar att de bör skilja pĂ„ materiella och andliga ting Ge dĂ„ kejsaren det som tillhör kejsaren och Gud vad Gud tillhör header The Gospel of Matthew recounts how the Pharisees ask Jesus whether to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor They try to trick Jesus into giving an answer that would lead to accusations by both the Roman authorities and the Jews who resented the tax Jesus points serenely to the emperor ™s effigy on a coin and towards Heaven saying that they must distinguish between material and spiritual matters Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar ™s and to God the things that are God ™s I Matteusevangeliet berĂ€ttas hur farisĂ©erna frĂ„gade Jesus om de borde betala den skatt som utkrĂ€vdes av den romerske kejsaren De försökte lura Jesus att svara pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som skulle ge sĂ„vĂ€l kejsaren som judarna som ogillade skatten anledning att kritisera honom Med stadig blick visar Jesus pĂ„ myntet med kejsarens portrĂ€tt samtidigt som han pekar mot himlen Han svarar att de bör skilja pĂ„ materiella och andliga ting Ge dĂ„ kejsaren det som tillhör kejsaren och Gud vad Gud tillhör decade 1630 Oil on canvas Olja pĂ„ duk Size cm 159 139 Framed Size cm 197 177 14 Institution Nationalmuseum Stockholm accession number 17634 NM 631 place of creation Nationalmuseum Nationalmuseum Stockholm cooperation project Licensed-PD-Art PD-old-auto PD-Nationalmuseum_Stockholm 1651 Media contributed by Nationalmuseum Stockholm 2016-10 Paintings in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm Jacob Adriaensz Backer
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