Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13206028314).jpg 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY <br> collected as many of its fossils as circumstances permitted These <br> amount to twenty-five species of shells and some fragments of car- <br> bonized wood ; but with the exception of two Ammonites A Kce- <br> nigi and A sublcBvis they are either enumerated in the lists published <br> by Sir R I Murchison are undescribed species or are too imper- <br> fect for satisfactory determination <br> Eighteen of the shells are also found in different members of the <br> Jurassic oolitic series of England and of these the following occur <br> in the unusually developed Kelloway Rock of Yorkshiref ” <br> Ammonites Gowerianus Sow Pecten lens Sow <br> Koenigi Sow Modiola cuneata Sow <br> subhevis Sow Trigonia clavellata Sow <br> Ostrea archetypa Phil Goniomya literata Sow <br> The Ammonites Kcenigi and A sublcBvis are also associated in the <br> equivalent strata at Kelloways Bridge Wilts and as well as the A <br> Gowerianus in the contiguous Oxford clay of Chippenham These <br> facts afford additional proof that the position long ago assigned to <br> the bed in question by Sir R Murchison who regarded it as the re- <br> presentative of the pier stone of Scarborough is the correct one J <br> Fie 1 <br> This marine deposit Section fig 1 is succeeded in the descending <br> order by the following strata ” <br> a Coal main seam 3 feet <br> h Dark grey shale with seams of coal 20 ft 6 inches <br> c Seven or eight seams of black bituminous shale full of shells <br> c and alternating with unfossiliferous partings of the same rock <br> The fossils comprise detached scales o Lepidotus pusillus sp nov <br> and Pholidophorus cognatus sp nov Paludina conulus sp nov <br> Cyclas angulata Sow C subglobosa sp nov C rhomboidalis <br> sp nov C solidula sp nov C unioniformis sp nov and <br> Cypris granulosa Sow There are also portions of an obscure plant <br> and small fragments of carbonized wood The thickness of the whole <br> is 5\ inches <br> d Shale like b but without coal 3 ft 1 inch§ <br> e Black grey and green clays including a layer of whitish argil- <br> laceous limestone The fossils which although broken and disunited <br> constitute at least one half of the mass are Semionotus punctatus <br> sp nov S minor sp nov Lepidotus pusillus sp nov Pho- <br> lidophorus cognatus sp nov Paludina conulus sp nov Perna <br> erecta sp nov P obliquata sp nov Tellina muriatica sp nov <br> Trans Geol Soc 2nd Series vol ii pp 320 and 366 <br> t Prof Phillips's ' Geology of Yorkshire Coast ' 2nd edition p Ill et seq The <br> shell figured in this work as Rostellaria composita is unless very inaccurately re- <br> presented not identical with thefossilfromBrorasonaraedin Mineral Conchology ' <br> + Trans Geol Soc 2nd Series vol ii pp 297-8 316-7 <br> § It being impracticable to subject the beds b and dto direct measurement their <br> thicknesses were calculated from the usual data 36932843 113687 51125 Page 114 Text v 3 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36932843 1847 Geological Society of London NameFound Cyclas angulata NameConfirmed Cycas angulata EOLID 630819 NameBankID 3329979 NameFound Cyclas rhomboidalis NameConfirmed Cyclas EOLID 13750058 NameBankID 4131942 NameFound Cyclas solidula NameFound Cyclas subglobosa NameConfirmed Cyclas EOLID 13750058 NameBankID 4131942 NameFound Cyclas unioniformis NameConfirmed Cyclas EOLID 13750058 NameBankID 4131942 NameFound Cypris granulosa NameConfirmed Cypris granulosa NameFound Goniomya literata NameFound Gowerianus NameFound Lepidotus pusillus NameConfirmed Lepidotes pusillus Bocchino 1973 NameFound Modiola cuneata NameFound Ostrea archetypa NameFound Paludina conulus NameFound Pecten NameConfirmed Pecten EOLID 10719936 NameBankID 2692292 NameFound Perna erecta NameConfirmed Zerna erecta Huds Panz EOLID 1114216 NameBankID 9122307 NameFound Perna obliquata NameConfirmed Lorena obliquata Casey T L 1922 EOLID 730874 NameFound Pholidophorus cognatus NameConfirmed Pholidophorus EOLID 10522270 NameBankID 4294427 NameFound Rostellaria composita NameFound Semionotus minor NameConfirmed Semionotus minor Agassiz 1837 NameBankID 6659228 NameFound Semionotus punctatus NameConfirmed Hemianthus punctatus C Wright ex Griseb EOLID 19882410 NameFound Tellina muriatica NameConfirmed Tellina EOLID 50297 NameBankID 2693370 NameFound Trigonia clavellata NameConfirmed Trigonia clavellata Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 3 1847 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36932843 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36932843 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-17 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13206028314 2015-08-26 12 56 20 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1847 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |