Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13206235164).jpg fitton's section at atherfield 305 <br> the specimens have not exactly been ascertained but is supposed to <br> be about ten or twelve I have myself seen but few of these in situ <br> but have no reason to doubt the statement of my collector who <br> pointed out their places At the top of the sand above-mentioned <br> 16 the first or lowest range of Crioceras rises on the west of Whale's <br> Chine and is succeeded by two other ranges all three enclosed in sand <br> about nine feet thick The lowest range is said to have furnished the <br> finest specimens The sand around them and above retains impres- <br> sions such as might have been produced by amass of vegetable stems <br> which have altogether disappeared leaving only their compressed <br> moulds in the sand or mud through which they were diffused <br> 23 A fourth range of nodules crosses the bottom of Whale's Chine <br> whence all the ranges together dechne gradually into the sea <br> Fossils of the Crioceras Range 17 to 23 <br> 19 20 Panopaea plicata -Sow fPecten orbicularis Sow <br> Area Gabrielis Zeyw 17 18 fOstrea prionota Goldfuss <br> A exaltata iVi «o» 19 J Terebratula Gibbsiana -Som <br> 17 Anomia radiata sella S'ow; <br> Area Cornueliana d Orb 20 fOstrea earinata -5 <br> lo ctgi - - consobrinus d'Orb id issl S£ ih- Gryphsea sinuata SoWi <br> t' 18 20 Serpula plexus Scaphites gigas <br> - Corbula striatula aSow Ammonites Martini tZ'OrS <br> TLetis minor Sow 17 19 I Crioceras Bowerbankii Sow <br> Gervillia anceps 20 Desh 21 23 J Ancyloceras d'Orb <br> Whale's Chine ” The eastern side of this chasm is about 140 feet <br> high the opening at its upper part about 180 feet wide The di- <br> stance from the shore to a bridge over the streamlet which empties <br> itself at the Chine is about 300 yards ; the Crioceras beds rising <br> gradually inland are visible in the banks and would no doubt supply <br> good specimens The relations of the succeeding beds 24 and 25 are <br> visible within the Chine where they contain numerous fossils <br> Whale Chine Ladder Chine Walpen <br> It will be observed that the eastern side of Whale Chine stands <br> out somewhat prominently dividing the undercliff and rising imme- <br> diately from the shore to the height of about 140 feet; so that the <br> Chine must have cut through the strata when the general face of these <br> chffs was much nearer to the sea than at present The chasm inter- <br> rupted the descent of the waters coming from the western portion of <br> the inclined stratum of clay No 25 at the same time draining and <br> giving additional solidity to the mass on its eastern side A renewal <br> therefore of the undercliff commences gradually on the east of this <br> X If the genera Scaphites and Crioceras be identical as Professor Edward Forbes <br> supposes No 15 will be the first or lowest range of this group and the whole <br> number of ranges will be fifteen or sixteen 36933056 113687 51125 Page 305 Text v 3 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36933056 1847 Geological Society of London NameFound A exaltata NameFound Ancyloceras NameConfirmed Ancyloceras EOLID 4784141 NameBankID 4069340 NameFound Anomia radiata NameConfirmed Anomia radiata Brocchi 1814 NameFound Corbula striatula NameConfirmed Corbula striata NameBankID 6251776 NameFound Crioceras NameConfirmed Crioceras EOLID 4784226 NameBankID 1782840 NameFound Gervillia anceps NameConfirmed Gervillia anceps NameFound Gryphsea sinuata NameFound Panopaea plicata NameConfirmed Panopaea plicata NameFound Scaphites NameConfirmed Scaphites Parkinson 1811 EOLID 4785375 NameFound Scaphites gigas NameFound Serpula plexus NameFound Terebratula NameConfirmed Terebratula EOLID 13755808 NameBankID 4365172 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 3 1847 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36933056 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36933056 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-17 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13206235164 2015-08-26 12 54 27 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1847 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |