MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13365298335).jpg 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Jail 23 <br> the London clay to the chalk It may with fig 14 serve to show <br> the general relative position of stratum c ...
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Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (13365298335).jpg 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Jail 23 <br> the London clay to the chalk It may with fig 14 serve to show <br> the general relative position of stratum c to the chalk but ex- <br> hibits neither the thickness nor the variety usual in this lower series <br> See fig 15 <br> Fig 15 ” Section near Hatfield <br> E w <br> 2- ÂŤ –  Gravel ” roughly-rounded flint white quartz and other <br> pebbles in nearly white sand <br> b London clay ; a very dark grey and brown clay passing down- <br> wards into a yellow sandy clay <br> c Sandv bro Tn clav mixed in its lower part with a few <br> round flint pebbles Organic remains not numerous <br> The division between 6 and c is not weU marked <br> and should probably be placed lower <br> 1 A series of thick beds of light yellow and ash-coloured <br> sands mixed in places vith clay 2 Coarse green sand <br> and clay full of large partly rolled green-coated flmts <br> / Chalk <br> The only fossils I could here determine were an Astarte much re- <br> semblmg the species common at Heme Bay Ostrea and teeth of <br> LamncB Fragments and traces of other shells requiring further ex- <br> ammation are met with ' Thence by Essenden to Hertford no sec- <br> tions of this bed are exposed The next one is m a brick-held on <br> George's Farm one mile south-east from Hertford on the London <br> road See fig 16 <br> Fig 16 ” Section near Hertford <br> Brovm clav mixed with flint gravel <br> rLondon clav; grev and vellow clay passmg downwards <br> into dark 'grev sandy clav Casts of shells m clay and <br> \ pieces of soft brown wood not uncommon The lower <br> 1 partof this probably belongs to c <br> Il und flint pebbles in brown clay -nith a few teeth ot <br> LamncB 4 to 8 inches ˘ –  <br> Light sree-ish sand with traces of mottled red clay <br> passing down into light ash-coloured sand <br> The chalk outcrops at a depth of about thiily to forty feet below <br> c The organic remahis here found in the lower part ot ' 6 and <br> in - c are not numerous and are badly preserved in the form of soft <br> clay casts Sufiicient however of them remams to determme with <br> but httle doubt the undermentioned species ” <br> In a well dug here I am informed that a mass of shells teu feet thick occurred <br> immediately below the London clay at a depth of 100 feet 36934125 113689 51125 Page 270 Text v 6 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36934125 1850 Geological Society of London NameFound Ostrea NameConfirmed Ostrea EOLID 10719983 NameBankID 2692450 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 6 1850 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36934125 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36934125 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-23 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/13365298335 2015-08-26 11 50 13 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1850 Photos uploaded from Flickr by FĂŚ using a script
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