Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12981068893).jpg PKOCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY <br> June 9 <br> Abundance of divisional planes having an east and west strike <br> in the form of cleavage occur ; and the presence of them may have <br> Fig 1 ” Joints N and S in the Yellow Sandstone and the upper <br> members of the ' Brownstones at Ballefouloo near Monkstown <br> Co CorTc <br> some influence on the absence of strike-joints among the Devonian <br> rocks in this locality <br> Jointings in the Carboniferous Limestone ” It is in the Carboniferous <br> formation more particularly in the limestone portion that we have <br> the features of jointing exhibited in their most perfect form North <br> and south joints are even better developed in most of the limestones <br> than in the members of the Devonian series ; and frequently these <br> are seen so arranged that they appear cutting the limestones in such <br> a manner as to give them the aspect of vertical strata of not more <br> than six inches in thickness each so closely are they approximated <br> This course of jointing although the most prevalent is not the <br> exclusive form in these limestones It is well seen in the quarry at <br> Ballintemple on the south face ; but here it does not cut up the <br> limestones into such thin masses fig 2 ; and in this quarry traces <br> of the original stratification can be seen here striking E and W <br> and almost vertical but with slight contortions In general it is <br> only in such limestones as manifest merely the N and S joints that <br> any information can be found as to the arrangement of the original <br> bedding <br> Besides the N and S jointings the limestones exhibit others which <br> although not so permanent are in many instances well developed <br> One of these is almost horizontal but sometimes manifests a slight <br> south dip ; and this course of jointing is known to the workmen in <br> the several quarries under the name of bedding It is weU seen 36161627 111474 51125 Page 88 Text v 15 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36161627 1859 Geological Society of London NameFound S jointings Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 15 1859 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36161627 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36161627 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-07 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12981068893 2015-08-26 14 59 00 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1859 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |