Keywords: Taylorsine.svg The sine function and its 7th-degree Taylor polynomial <math>f x x - \frac x 3 3 + \frac x 5 5 - \frac x 7 7 </math> Made by english wikipedia user Ktims Copied here from english wikipedia Link 2006-05-31 own assumed Riojajar~commonswiki Instructions Generated with the following gnuplot script manually colour-matched with the previous chart here for consistency <pre> set terminal svg size 1600 1200 fname Times New Roman fsize 48 set output taylorsine svg set xzeroaxis lt 0 lw 4 set yzeroaxis lt 0 lw 4 unset border set key box set samples 200 set bmargin 0 set lmargin 0 set rmargin 0 set tmargin 0 set xtics axis -2 -2 pi - -pi pi 2 2 pi set mxtics 2 set ytics axis -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 set mytics 20 set xrange -3 pi 3 pi set yrange -5 5 f x x - x 3/3 plot sin x lt 10 lw 4 f x lt 12 lw 4 </pre> Taylor series Sine function Images with Gnuplot source code |