Keywords: Symbol of Izumisano, Osaka.svg en The symbol of Izumisano city Osaka prefecture announced on April 1 1948 ja 大阪� 泉佐野市の市章(1948年4� �1日制定)� � Own vectorizaton of http //www city izumisano osaka jp/reiki/reiki_honbun/k215RG00000003 html Izumisano city announcement Jkr2255 <span class signature-talk >talk</span> <br/>User Wrightbus SVG code 2012-01-08 File Mark-of-Osaka-Izumisano001 PNGx100px thumb left Flag ValidSVG Insignia Inkscape Symbols of municipalities in Osaka prefecture Izumisano Osaka PD-Japan-organization |