Keywords: Susy Zerfall chi0.svg Feynman diagram of a SUSY process Feynman Diagramm eines SUSY Prozesses own after Susy-zerfall-chi0 jpg by Ckendel 2013-07-15 Patrick87 Information field LaTeX source hidden left click to expand <source lang LaTeX> \documentclass scrartcl \usepackageutf8 inputenc \usepackageT1 fontenc \usepackage lmodern \usepackage tikz \usetikzlibrary decorations pathmorphing decorations markings \tikzset particle/ style postaction decorate decoration markings mark at position 5 with \arrow latex antiparticle/ style postaction decorate decoration markings mark at position 5 with \arrow latex reversed gluon/ style decorate decoration coil amplitude 4pt segment length 5pt \begin document \begin tikzpicture thick scale 1 0 \drawgluon -1 5 1 5 -- nodebelow sloped g 0 0 ; \drawparticle -1 5 -1 5 -- nodeabove sloped d_R 0 0 ; \drawparticle dashed 0 0 -- nodeabove sloped \tilde g 2 0 5 ; \drawantiparticle dashed 2 0 5 -- nodebelow sloped \tilde \chi _1 + 4 1 ; \drawparticle dashed 4 1 -- nodeabove sloped \tilde \chi _1 0 6 1 5 ; \drawparticle 2 0 5 -- 1 25 1 5 ; \drawantiparticle 2 0 5 -- 2 1 5 ; \drawparticle 2 0 5 -- 2 75 1 5 ; \drawantiparticle 2 0 5 -- 3 5 1 5 ; \drawparticle 4 1 -- 6 5 1 ; \drawantiparticle 4 1 -- 7 0 5 ; \drawparticle dashed 0 0 -- nodebelow sloped \tilde d _R 2 -0 5 ; \drawparticle dashed 2 -0 5 -- nodeabove sloped \tilde \chi _2 0 4 -1 ; \drawparticle dashed 4 -1 -- nodebelow sloped \tilde \chi _1 0 6 -1 5 ; \drawparticle 2 -0 5 -- 2 75 -1 5 ; \drawantiparticle 2 -0 5 -- 3 5 -1 5 ; \drawparticle 2 -0 5 -- 4 25 -1 5 ; \drawparticle 4 -1 -- 6 5 -1 ; \drawantiparticle 4 -1 -- 7 -0 5 ; \fill 0 0 circle 07cm ; \fill 2 0 5 circle 07cm ; \fill 4 1 circle 07cm ; \fill 2 -0 5 circle 07cm ; \fill 4 -1 circle 07cm ; \end tikzpicture \end document </source> Feynman diagrams Images with LaTeX source code Large Hadron Collider |