Keywords: Star Trek text logo.svg Simplified re-creation of Star Trek Classic series main title using generic sans-serif font instead of specific original TOS font and omitting starry background Logo de la série classique Star Trek Re-création simplifiée sans la police TOS originale et sans le fond étoilé own Font Liberation Sans released by Red Hat inc under a GPL license <br>work based on Image Star Trek Classic logo png itself based on http //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image StarTrek_Logo png own Police Liberation Sans Mise par Red Hat inc sous licence GPL <br>Travail basé sur Image Star Trek Classic logo png lui-même basé sur http //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image StarTrek_Logo png 2007-10-15 Sémhur <gallery> Image Star Trek Classic logo svg With black background </gallery> Information field SVG ValidSVG Inkscape yes Information field Atelier graphique Atelier graphique Star Trek logos Files created by User Sémhur Diagrams by User Sémhur Location not applicable |