Keywords: St-Michaels-traditional-arms.svg Coat of arms attributed to St Michael the archangel in the heraldry of medieval England as seen in the coat of arms of Sunderland etc Blazon Argent a cross pommy gules An alternative depiction is to show Michael bearing a shield with QUIS UT DEUS the Latin translation of Hebrew mi-ka-el מי־כא or Who is like unto God see Image StMichaelAtCathedralCologne jpg Image Michael4 jpg Image Michaelseiche bei Albertshausen 5 jpg etc For another medieval attributed arms of St Michael see File Harleian Ms2169 St Mihell arms tricked original gif own -- This image was converted from the following vector PostScript code <pre> 2 75 setlinewidth 562 418 5 moveto 0 298 rlineto -525 0 rlineto 0 -298 rlineto 0 -5 0 -5 1 -17 rcurveto 16 -192 162 -248 262 -248 rcurveto 100 0 245 56 261 248 rcurveto 1 12 1 12 1 17 rcurveto closepath gsave clip 1 setgray fill gsave 49 185 translate 833 dup scale 270 330 moveto 78 038476 300 60 30 330 arc 270 270 lineto 300 78 038476 60 120 60 arc 330 270 lineto 521 961524 300 60 210 150 arc 330 330 lineto 300 521 961524 60 300 240 arc closepath gsave 1 0 0 setrgbcolor fill grestore 0 setgray stroke grestore grestore stroke showpage EOF</pre> 2008 AnonMoos Created with Text Editor <gallery>File Blason ville gg Saint-Michel-du-Valle svg Guernsey arms</gallery> For the coat of arms traditionally attributed to God in European heraldry see Image Shield-Trinity-medievalesque svg and en Shield of the Trinity For the attributed arms of Michael's enemy Satan see Image Satan-traditional-arms svg SVG attributed arms Michael Archangel Symbols of angels Michael Cross pommee in heraldry Saint Michael in heraldry Red cross in white field |