Keywords: Spiritual Conceits. - binders ticket (c109b1).jpg Style Publishers binding; Caption binders ticket; Colour Green; Edge Gilt exhibition history Decorative Technique Blocked in gold Blocked in blind Blocked in relief; Cover Material Cloth morocco vertical grain The design is by William Harry Rogers London Griffith and Farran Corner of St Paul's Churchyard 1862 London Chiswick Press - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins Tooks Court Chancery Lane 155x210x35mm 16 224p On the title page verso The engraving by Joseph Swain From the introduction by Rogers entitled ˜To the Reader ™ The book now offered to the public is an original illustrated companion having only such affinity to its predecessors as must needs result from its being composed of certain emblematical devices with accompanying letter-press the devices and the letter-press so illustrating each other as to be manifestly inseparable In the second place the fact that the editor and the artist are the same person is probably a novel feature In the third place the emblems have been so grouped as not to prevent a melange of ideas associated by accident but to give as far as possible one consecutive series of thoughts developing Savanarola ™s comprehensive sentiment If there be no enemy no fight; if no fight no victory; if no victory no crown The Fathers of the Church the noblest divines of the Middle Ages and the Old English poets have been pressed into the service of one fixed and unassailable idea which is clenched in the motto No Cross no Crown; and to this they have been asked to do duty in such wise as out of discordant parts to make one harmonious whole Bevelled boards Gilt edges Brown endpapers and pastedowns Binder's ticket on lower pastedown / Bound by/ Bone Son/ 76 Fleet St London / Ball no 17C Green morocco vertical-grain cloth Both covers are blocked identically in gold and in blind and in relief On the borders there are two fillets one blocked in gold the next blocked in blind Inside these a border of repeating patterns is blocked in gold The patterns are three hatch leaf and hanging diamonds each with four dots blocked inside in relief There is a rectangular central panel and at the head and tail rectangular gold lettering pieces are blocked The one at the head contains the word / Spiritual/ blocked in relief; the one at the tail contains the word / Conceits blocked in relief Each lettering piece has diagonal fillets which are blocked in vertical and horizontal hatch The hatched fillets alternate with those which are blocked in gold with small dots blocked in relief Four rose flowers are blocked in gold underneath and above the two rectangular gold lettering pieces They are surrounded by small stars blocked in relief The central panel is a quatrefoil and around its perimeter fleur-de-lis are blocked in gold in a repeating pattern At the very centre surrounded by small stars and circles blocked in gold an interlocking crown and a cross are blocked in gold The decorative elements of the crown and cross are picked out in hatch and in relief The spine decoration is all in gold and in relief There is a fillet blocked in gold around the perimeter The spine is divided into five panels Numbers 1 2 and 5 are formed by a single gold fillet At the head panel 1 contains a crow surrounded by small stars and circles all in gold Panel 2 has the title /Spiritual/ Conceits/ is blocked in relief within a square gold lettering piece Panel 3 has a descending scroll-like gold lettering-piece with the words No Cross No Crown blocked in relief inside In the centre of this panel the interlocking cross and crown are blocked The monogram WHR is blocked in relief at the base of the scroll-shaped gold lettering-piece In panel 4 / WH Rogers/ is blocked in relief inside a small gold lettering-piece In panel 5 a cross surrounded by small crowns and circles is blocked in gold See BL shelf mark 12304 e 18 Emblems of Christian life which has a similar design with only the title page and the title lettering on the covers being changed Text copyright Edmund M B King and available under a CC0 license For other Bone and Bone Son bindings see c30h19 object history Text 1862; London; Unspecified object type Cc-zero place of creation Binding England place of discovery Ball Douglas Victorian publishers' bindings / London Library Association c1985 p 158 says that Emblems of Christian Life is a new edition of Spiritual Conceits which he had not seen Blog http //19thcenturyartistsmonograms blogspot co uk/ E M B King William Harry Rogers p 320 Blog http //19thcenturyartistsmonograms blogspot co uk/ See M Packer Bookbinders of Victorian London London 1991 British Library image http //www bl uk/catalogues/bookbindings/LargeImage aspx RecordId 020-000020517 ImageId ImageId 58370 Copyright BL Spiritual Conceits Uploaded with GWToolset Spiritual Conceits - binders ticket c109b1 http //www webarchive org uk/bldatasets/bindings/C109b1 20binders 20ticket jpg 19th-century bookbinding Bookbinding British Library Bookbindings |