Keywords: Speciation modes sl.svg <br> Geographic illustration of SPATIAL ASPECTS OF SPECIATION allopatric speciation - physical barrier divides population peripatric speciation - small founding population enters isolated niche parapatric speciation - new niche found adjacent to original one sympatric speciation - speciation occurs without physical separation Drawn in Inkscape by Ilmari Karonen based on en Image Speciation modes png and http //www bio miami edu/dana/160/speciation jpg from http //www bio miami edu/dana/160/160S04_6 html ; translation by Yerpo Adapted from Spring 2006 Lecture Notes for EVOLUTION AND BIODIVERSITY class BIL 160 Section HJ by Dr Dana Krempels dana at miami dot edu 2009-06-22 own assumed Yerpo Other versions Other versions/Speciation modes edit - Created with Inkscape Speciation SVG ecology Diagrams in Slovene |