Keywords: 115th mpad 115thmpad 116th bct 116thbct 116th cavalry brigade combat team 116thcavalrybrigadecombatteam 125th engineers 125thengineers 125th multi-role bridge company 125thmultirolebridgecompany 163rd combined arms battalion 163rdcombinedarmsbattalion 16th sustainment brigade 16thsustainmentbrigade 18th infantry brigade 18thinfantrybrigade 1st armored brigade combat team 1starmoredbrigadecombatteam 1st battalion 1stbattalion 21st theater support command 21sttheatersupportcommand 30th medical brigade 30thmedicalbrigade 315th field artillery battalion 315thfieldartillerybattalion 317th reconnaissance battalion 317threconnaissancebattalion 321st psychological operations group 321stpsychologicaloperationsgroup 3rd infantry division 3rdinfantrydivision 409th comptroller battalion 409thcomptrollerbattalion 432nd civil affairs battalion 432ndcivilaffairsbattalion 4th infantry division 4thinfantrydivision 64 armored regiment 64armoredregiment 70th airbase 70thairbase 7th army training command 7tharmytrainingcommand army eucom idaho idaho national guard idahonationalguard joint multinational readiness center jointmultinationalreadinesscenter joint multinational simulations center jointmultinationalsimulationscenter nato national guard nationalguard north atlantic treaty organization northatlantictreatyorganization operation atlantic resolve operationatlanticresolve oregon oregon army national guard oregonarmynationalguard romanian land forces romanianlandforces saber guardian saberguardian south carolina southcarolina staff sgt. anita vandermolen staffsgtanitavandermolen u.s. army usarmy u.s. european command useuropeancommand usareur cincu romania ro people outdoor A Soldier with Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team, provides security while on patrol during combat training while at Exercise Saber Guardian 16 at the Romanian Land Forces Combat Training Center, Cincu, Romania August 2. The teams scout for opposition forces while out on patrol and respond to attacks and ambushes. Saber Guardian 2016 is a multinational military exercise involving approximately 2,800 military personnel from ten nations including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and the U.S. The objectives of this exercise are to build multinational, regional and joint partnership capacity by enhancing military relationships, exchanging professional experiences, and improving interoperability between the land forces from the participating countries. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Anita VanderMolen, 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Oregon Army National Guard) A Soldier with Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 116th Cavalry Brigade Combat Team, provides security while on patrol during combat training while at Exercise Saber Guardian 16 at the Romanian Land Forces Combat Training Center, Cincu, Romania August 2. The teams scout for opposition forces while out on patrol and respond to attacks and ambushes. Saber Guardian 2016 is a multinational military exercise involving approximately 2,800 military personnel from ten nations including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and the U.S. The objectives of this exercise are to build multinational, regional and joint partnership capacity by enhancing military relationships, exchanging professional experiences, and improving interoperability between the land forces from the participating countries. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Anita VanderMolen, 115th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Oregon Army National Guard) |