Keywords: Sogen Kato Room.jpg A simplified drawing of where Sogen Kato's body was found Image not to scale Image has notes detailing items in room Adapted from a segment on NTV ™s Bankisha program via http //www japanprobe com/2010/08/02/news-program-builds-replica-of-mummy-mans-house/ Japan Probe 2010-08-03 User 293 xx xxx xx ImageNote 1 698 229 954 283 3600 1916 2 Body of Sogen Kato dressed in underwear pajamas and a blanket ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 1445 535 239 225 3600 1916 2 Table where newspapers from the Showa Period were found possibly placing the time of Kato's death around 1978 ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 315 679 221 225 3600 1916 2 Telephone on small table ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 387 1030 248 756 3600 1916 2 Sliding front door ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 788 729 644 256 3600 1916 2 Dresser/Bureau ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 720 540 630 193 3600 1916 2 Books strewn about on floor ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 167 382 554 351 3600 1916 2 Rubbish/bags on floor ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 2138 108 581 468 3600 1916 2 Boxes and books in hallway outside of Kato's door ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 185 121 324 234 3600 1916 2 Not clear on what this was from the segment ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 684 1052 2093 706 3600 1916 2 Main hallway ImageNoteEnd 10 Crime scenes |