Keywords: Snake lemma nat2.svg exact rows showing the naturality of the snake lemma Produced with TeX and XY-Pic using the source code below Both the image and the source code are in the public domain <pre> Produce a postscript file from this input with tex and dvips Loading the XY-Pic package \input xy \xyoption all Using postscript driver for smoother curves \xyoption ps \xyoption dvips No need for page numbers \nopagenumbers \def\coker \mathop \rm coker \xymatrix Our diagram is a 2x7 matrix \ker a_2\arr \ker b_2\arr \ker c_2\arr d_2 \coker a_2\arr \coker b_2\arr \coker c_2\\ \ker a_1\arr\arur \ker b_1\arr\arur \ker c_1\arr d_1 \arur \coker a_1\arr\arur \coker b_1\arr\arur \coker c_1\arur \end </pre> http //en wikipedia org/wiki/Image Snake_lemma_nat2 png Axel Boldt 2004-01-29 Both the image and the source code are in the public domain and Since I believe that intellectual property rights do not exist as we mere mortals cannot arrogate the right to own parts of Plato's eternal heaven of ideas every word I write is by default and always in the public domain http //en wikipedia org/wiki/User AxelBoldt toccolours collapsible collapsed width 80 style text-align left LaTeX Code to generate the current version - <source lang latex > See Descripion for the TeX code One needs PDF2SVG to generate the SVG image Author Axel Boldt Hagman Ika Update Date 11/15/2014 \documentclass amsart \usepackagepaperwidth 600px paperheight 100px top -10px left 0px right 0px bottom 0px geometry \usepackage amsmath amssymb nopageno \usepackageall xy \begin document \Huge \def\coker \mathop \rm coker \ \xymatrix Our diagram is a 2x7 matrix \ker a_2\arr \ker b_2\arr \ker c_2\arr d_2 \coker a_2\arr \coker b_2\arr \coker c_2\\ \ker a_1\arr\arur \ker b_1\arr\arur \ker c_1\arr_ d_1 \arur \coker a_1\arr\arur \coker b_1\arr\arur \coker c_1\arur \ \end document </source> Complexes algebra Xy-pic diagrams Images with LaTeX source code |