Keywords: Senne nature reserves.png Senne - nature reserves - overview map<br/>Number and borders of nature reserves are subject to frequent change In order to facilitate reproduction of this map from openstreetmap the following data is stored here <br/> export boundaries north 52 0; east 9 0; south 51 73; west 8 45; mapnik svg scale 1 200 000<br/> nature reserve boundary stroke weight 5 0; <br/>nature reserve stroke color R 5 G 102 B 36; <br/>municipality border stroke weight as found in export Senne - Naturschutzgebiete - à bersichtskarte Senne - Réserves naturelle - vue d'ensemble Own 2011-03-26 Hagar66 Licensed under the GFDL by author 51 831534 8 742371 Cc-zero Senne Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne Augustdorf |