Keywords: SegundoCongresoDelCominternLeninKárajanBujarinZinoviev19200719.jpg LargeImage es Delegados al segundo congreso del comintern frente al Palacio Uritsky de Petrogrado Entre ellos se puede distinguir a Lev Kárajan segundo por la izquierda Karl Radek tercero fumando Nikolái Bujarin quinto Mijáil Lashevich séptimo de uniforme Máximo Gorki noveno rapado Lenin décimo con las manos en los bolsillos Serguéi Zorin decimoprimero con sombrero Grigori Zinoviev decimotercero con las manos a la espalda Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova decimonovena con blusa blanca y Abram Belenky con sombrero claro Delegates to the second congress of the Comintern at the Uritsky Palace in Petrograd The recognized are Lev Karajan second from left Karl Radek third smoking Nikolai Bukharin fifth Mikhail Lashevich seventh uniform Maxim Gorky ninth shaved Lenin tenth hands in pockets Sergey Zorin eleventh with hat Grigori Zinoviev thirteenth hands behind his back Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova nineteenth white blouse and Abram Belenky with light hat 1920-07-19 Scanned from ISBN 9780805052947 page 74 Creator Viktor Bulla http //www histoire-image org/site/zoom/zoom php i 573 oe_zoom 992 PD-old Uploaded with UploadWizard Vladimir Lenin in photographs 19200719 Grigory Zinoviev 19200719 Nikolai Bukharin 19200719 Lev Karakhan 19200719 Karl Radek 19200719 Maxim Gorky in photography 19200719 Comintern 19200719 Mikhail Lashevich 19200719 Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova 19200719 1920 in Saint Petersburg 19200719 ImageNote 1 982 2853 358 335 9130 6930 2 Lev Karakhan ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 3086 2818 393 578 9130 6930 2 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 1514 2287 289 370 9130 6930 2 Karl Berngardovich Radek ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 1999 2287 300 416 9130 6930 2 Nikolai Bukharin ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 2554 2010 347 427 9130 6930 2 Mikhail Lashevich ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 3132 2171 370 578 9130 6930 2 Maxim Gorky ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 3698 2033 370 497 9130 6930 2 Sergey Semyonovich Zorin ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 4253 2264 381 427 9130 6930 2 Grigory Zinoviev ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 8113 2818 451 531 9130 6930 2 Abram Belenky ImageNoteEnd 9 |