Personifikationer af de syv frie kunster bevæger en vogn med Sacra Theologia (Den hellige teologi), som holder et Kristus-hoved. Vognen tvinges frem af Magister Sentenciarum Magister Petrus Lombardus (forfatter til "Sententia" i 12.årh.)
Farvelagt pennetegning, Salzburg 14.årh.
Unibibliothek Salzburg, M III 36.
The seven liberales arts move a chariot with the Sacra Theologia (holding the head of the Christ), forced by Magister Sentenciarum Magister Petrus Lombardus (author of the "Sententia" in 12th century)
Coloured pen drawing. Unibibliothek Salzburg, M III 36. 14th century
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