Keywords: Roma1493.png Rome in Italy around 1490 Rom um 1490 en Woodcut from Hartmann Schedel ™s Weltchronik NĂĽrnberg 1493 fol lvii verso and lviii recto This is one of the famous realistic town views from Schedel ™s work de Holzschnitt aus Hartmann Schedels Weltchronik NĂĽrnberg 1493 fol lvii verso and lviii recto Dies ist einer der berĂĽhmten realistischen Stadtansichten in Schedels Werk en Drawn around 1490 published in 1493 de Um 1490 gezeichnet 1493 veröffentlicht Aristeas Aristeas PD-old-100 15th-century images of Rome 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle illustrations f 051-060 057v Nuremberg Chronicle Towns 15th-century woodcuts 1493 in Germany |