Keywords: Röhrig in EIC.svg DeLocMaps Röhrig Landkreis Eichsfeld District of Eichsfeld Eichsfeld district l'arrondissement d'Eichsfeld Arrondissement d'Eichsfeld Thüringen Thuringia Thuringe Adobe Illustrator own based on File Germany location map svg NordNordWest File Thuringia location map svg TUBS http //www gstb-thueringen de/custom/Karte16061 html Thüringer Landesamt für Statistik http //www kreis-eic de/landkr/verwalt/verw/52/analysen/AM_EG/0509 pdf Landkreis Eichsfeld 2009-08-20 Hagar66 based on work of TUBS <gallery> file Municipalities in EIC svg </gallery> TUBS GFDL cc-by-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 cc-by-sa-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 TUBS/Credits Locator maps of municipalities in Landkreis Eichsfeld Röhrig |