MAKE A MEME View Large Image RNI 1950 GB.svg en The w Rate of natural increase in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1950 “2008 own Incnis Mrsi 2009-07-13 public domain Image BirthDeath 1950 GB svg This graph visualize the difference between a ...
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Keywords: RNI 1950 GB.svg en The w Rate of natural increase in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1950 “2008 own Incnis Mrsi 2009-07-13 public domain Image BirthDeath 1950 GB svg This graph visualize the difference between a birth ratehttp //demoscope ru/weekly/ias/ias05 php tim 0 cou 7 terr 1 ind 26 Submit OK and a death ratehttp //demoscope ru/weekly/ias/ias05 php tim 0 cou 7 terr 1 ind 1 Submit OK and nothing more All disclaimers from Image BirthDeath 1950 GB svg apply also to this image Demographic charts of the United Kingdom Rates of natural increase
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