Keywords: Respiratory system complete cy.svg validSVG Assessments 5 2008 1 Respiratory system complete2 svg 1 Image Respiratory system complete en svg QualityImage picture of the day 2008 05 20 system anadlu neu resbiradaeth sy'n canitau i aer fynd a dod i'r ysgafaint ac yna allan o'r ysgyfaint the respiratory system consists of the airways the lungs and the respiratory muscles that mediate the movement of air into and out of the body Le système respiratoire est composé des voies respiratoires des poumons et des muscles respiratoires qui induisent les mouvements de l'air inspiré et expiré The image i did myself as sources i used the books Sobotta atlas der anatomie des menschen ISBN 3 541 02828 9 Churchill livingstone gray's anatomy ISBN 0 433 01505 8 Interamericana McGraw-hill atlas forografico de anatomia del cuerpo humano ISBN 968 25 1677 3 Also used several online diagrams like http //ewake wfubmc edu 88/library/Models/CHARTS/IMAGESCHART/wf_17_r434_2000 jpg and http //cancerinfo tri-kobe org/for_patient/pdq/Media/EN/CDR0000466533 jpg Image renamed from Image Respiratory system complete svg 2007-12-13 LadyofHats Other versions/Respiratory system complete translation possible LadyofHats wikitable align center 80px center 400 align center This is a featured picture in the English Wikipedia Thoracic diaphragm SVG respiratory system SVG human respiratory system SVG diagrams in Welsh Quality images - valid vector Featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons - vector |