Keywords: Relative star sizes.svg Objects included are the Sun Gliese 229 Teide 1 and Jupiter <br>English version of Image TamañoEstelarRelativo svg Image TamañoEstelarRelativo svg<br> http //www solstation com/stars/gl229 htm Based off of Linda Huffs work middle of page <br> http //www nasa gov/vision/universe/starsgalaxies/brown_dwarf_detectives html nasa gov usage http //www jsc nasa gov/policies html Guidelines nasa gov policy 2007-01-21 User Bryan Derksen original SVG by es Usuario SeRgio original jpeg by NASA NASA and SeRgio both released their versions into the public domain and so this one is too Relative star sizes DE svg Relative star sizes ca svg Relative star sizes uk svg Relative star sizes-sv svg PNG Original english 100px SVG español 100px Alternative in blue PNG español 100px Inkscape Translation possible Star size comparisons Brown dwarfs |