Keywords: marco-bicycle marcobicycle rebuild bike bicycles canvas yellow-bikes yellowbikes panniers bags canvas-bags canvasbags My seat bag support was working but not as well as it could. This is simply a modern style stem holding cut-back handlebars mounted to the seat post in reverse. The seat post is 25.4, (1"), and the stem is 1 1/8". I simply shimmed it and it holds the seat post nice and tight. All items are recycled parts. Doin' what I can with what I have. Money's always a problem. My seat bag support was working but not as well as it could. This is simply a modern style stem holding cut-back handlebars mounted to the seat post in reverse. The seat post is 25.4, (1"), and the stem is 1 1/8". I simply shimmed it and it holds the seat post nice and tight. All items are recycled parts. Doin' what I can with what I have. Money's always a problem. |