Keywords: R-US state areas-hist+dens sqrt.svg en Histogram with overlayed Gaussian kernel density plot example for log-transformed data base 10 with points marked Data US state areas Own HYanWong 2009-03-06 v svg file R-US_state_areas-hist+dens_sqrt svg width 5 height 3 pointsize 8 Histogram with overlayed Gaussian kernel density plot example for log-transformed data base 10 with points marked Data US state areas par mar c 4 4 3 1 +0 1 X <- sqrt state area 2 58998811 hist X 25 freq FALSE col lightgrey border darkgrey main Size of US states xlab las 0 mgp c 2 5 0 7 0 xlim c 0 max X title xlab expression sqrt paste italic landArea km 2 mgp c 2 5 0 7 0 lines density X lwd 2 segments X rep par usr 3 length X X rep par usr 3/2 length X col blue dev off Histograms |