Keywords: PRS.gif PRS Agent Architecture Based on diagram from Georgeff and Ingrand 1989; Georgeff M P and Ingrand F F 1989 Decision-making in an embedded reasoning system Proc Int Jt Conf Artif Intell 11th Detroit MI pp 972-978 2007-01-18 Adamcimarosti Original upload log page en wikipedia PRS gif 2007-01-18 16 45 Adamcimarosti 694×529× 20274 bytes <nowiki>PRS Agent Architecture based on diagram from Georgeff and Ingrand 1989 Georgeff M P and Ingrand F F 1989 Decision-making in an embedded reasoning system Proc Int Jt Conf Artif Intell 11th Detroit MI pp 972-978</nowiki> Information science Cognitive architecture |