Keywords: headgear braces teenage girls boys facemask Most patients with a maxillary deficiency (with an underbite) the use of a facemask for protraction of the jaw and maxilla is one of the most common treatment plans used today. The Delaire reverse pull facemask is unique because it requires no additional headcap or straps to hold the appliance to the patients head and it uses the direct force of the elastic bands into the child's or teenagers mouth, attached to the braces - this is using an intra-oral hook or a functional appliance, such as the Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE), to hold the mask or face frame in place during treatment. However it has been found that adding straps or a headcap improves stability of the appliance and in many cases elasticated Velcro straps are added. Most patients with a maxillary deficiency (with an underbite) the use of a facemask for protraction of the jaw and maxilla is one of the most common treatment plans used today. The Delaire reverse pull facemask is unique because it requires no additional headcap or straps to hold the appliance to the patients head and it uses the direct force of the elastic bands into the child's or teenagers mouth, attached to the braces - this is using an intra-oral hook or a functional appliance, such as the Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE), to hold the mask or face frame in place during treatment. However it has been found that adding straps or a headcap improves stability of the appliance and in many cases elasticated Velcro straps are added. |