MAKE A MEME View Large Image This you might recognise as part of the incredible ceramic poppy installation last seen flowing from the Tower of London. Obviously this isn't the full piece so it lacks the scale of the full display in London but nevertheless looks ...
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Keywords: ceramic poppies ceramicpoppies poppies poppy installation poppyinstallation project 365 project365 remembrance day remembranceday st. george's hall stgeorgeshall To my shame I had no idea this was coming to Liverpool. This you might recognise as part of the incredible ceramic poppy installation last seen flowing from the Tower of London. Obviously this isn't the full piece so it lacks the scale of the full display in London but nevertheless looks absolutely magnificent against St. George's Hall. I do apologise for the shoddy quality of the photo, but the plaza was roped off in preparation for tomorrow so my angles were limited, and I took this in the very early morning. It was lashing down, I was soaked, and for some reason a pair of shoes with which I have long and happy relationship randomly decided to start chewing the backs of both of my heels. Too much detail there? Sorry. To my shame I had no idea this was coming to Liverpool. This you might recognise as part of the incredible ceramic poppy installation last seen flowing from the Tower of London. Obviously this isn't the full piece so it lacks the scale of the full display in London but nevertheless looks absolutely magnificent against St. George's Hall. I do apologise for the shoddy quality of the photo, but the plaza was roped off in preparation for tomorrow so my angles were limited, and I took this in the very early morning. It was lashing down, I was soaked, and for some reason a pair of shoes with which I have long and happy relationship randomly decided to start chewing the backs of both of my heels. Too much detail there? Sorry.
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