Keywords: Parks Victoria
Level 10, 535 Bourke Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Chief Executive Officer
Precariously Hanging Broken Tree Branch falling onto your loved ones
Dear Sir/Madam
I hope this letter finds you well.
I was shocked to discover the broken tree branch supported by tiny branches hanging off a tree at Fawkner Park along the route from Toorak road entering Fawkner Park going towards park marker MEL 174. The nearest landmark is Christ Church South Yarra,
Imagine your loved ones walking along the route and the branch fell on his/her head and killed her. It may not matter if people die from this, but the negative consequence from this would reflect poorly on your management skills, reputation and job security.
I humbly implore you to spare 5 mins and use the powers vested in you to delegate your assistant to remove the overhead broken branch immediately.
If needed I am happy to meet with your Park Maintenance Officers to direct them to the right tree on weekdays during lunch time. retail technology transportation signs foodanddrinks |