Keywords: Portret grofa Janeza Szaparyja.jpg author 1772 Oil on canvas Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota http //www pomurski-muzej si/razstave/muzejske-zbirke/umetnostnozgodovinska-zbirka PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1772; Szaparyja by unknown painter 18th-century unidentified painters Paintings in the Murska Sobota Regional Museum Szapáry family 1772 paintings in Slovenia 1772 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1772 portrait paintings Male 18th-century oil on canvas paintings in Slovenia 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length in national costumes 18th-century oil portraits of standing men at half length 18th-century portraits with coat of arms Paintings by unknown painters in Slovenia Portrait paintings of men holding books 18th-century portrait paintings in Slovenia Powdered wigs in art Right hand on hip in portrait paintings |