Keywords: Portrait de Caroline de Hesse-Rheinfels, duchesse de Bourbon, princesse de Condé (18th century, PE 377).jpg after formerly attributed to Portrait de Caroline de Hesse-Rheinfels duchesse de Bourbon princesse de Condé 1714 �1741 according to Nicole Garnier-Pelle 1995 a former hypothesis was that it was Charlotte Elisabeth Godefried de Rohan princesse de Condé 1737 �1760 century 18 Oil on canvas cm 145 107 Institution Musée Condé not updated 00000076660 cite book Chantilly musée Condé Peintures du XVIIIème siècle Nicole Garnier-Pelle RMN coll Inventaire des collections publiques françaises 1995 20 53-54 object history credit line ProvenanceEvent 1886 bequest Henri d'Orléans duc d'Aumale 1822 �1897 L'inscription Chtte de Rohan-Soubise princesse de Condé présente sur le tableau est apocryphe postérieure à 1846 after 1846 accession number PE 377 From Joconde 00000076660 0397/m505204_pe-377-photomd_p jpg Mélanie Demarle other versions <gallery>Caroline de Hesse-Rheinfels-Rotenburg by an unknown artist jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Hesse-Rheinfels-Rothembourg Charlotte de Pierre Gobert 18th-century portrait paintings in the Musée Condé 1754 Caroline of Hesse-Rheinfels-Rotenburg 1754 18th-century portrait paintings from France not categorised by year 18th-century oil on canvas paintings in France Portraits 18th-century oil portraits of standing women at three-quarter length 1754 Ermine clothing in art Mantle fleurdelisé in portrait paintings 1754 Portrait paintings of women of France Portrait paintings of females with flowers 1754 Portraits with garden vases 1754 Princesses of the blood in art Portrait paintings of princesses of the blood Fleur-de-lis in art |