Keywords: Poppea Sabina.jpg Painting of the Roman courtesan Sabina Poppea who was briefly married to the emperor Nero c 1570 oil Institution Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Geneva Original uploader was Brianboulton at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Nico-dk using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text Cropped and scanned from Opera Composers Works Performers ed Sigrid Neef Konemann Cologne 2000 p 335 PD-US PD-old-100 original upload log page en wikipedia Poppea_Sabina jpg 2009-10-25 00 23 Brianboulton 2088×2924× 2682122 bytes <nowiki> Painting of the Roman courtesan Sabina Poppea who was briefly married to the emperor Nero Cropped and scanned from Opera Composers Works Performers ed Sigrid Neef Konemann Cologne 2000 p 335 </nowiki> Poppaea Sabina Fontainebleau school |